Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Art in Life, December 15, 2010

Breakfast in a large family.. 10 glasses of smoothie, one large oatmeal cake ( made from leftover oatmeal, by my 9 year old!)
Lunch on a birthday: On the left, fried (in coconut and palm oils) brown rice, and oven fried chicken, on the right, gluten/ starch free version of the same meal, fried cauliflower rice with eggs and peas, oven fried chicken ( breaded in a small amount of coconut flour)
Heavenly. Seriously. N didn't even notice the difference!
Dinner on a birthday: CAKE! Below:SF, GF, DF Chocolate cake filled with SF mixed berry jam, and frosted with coconut oil/ cocoa frosting, with a side of SF, DF, GF blackberry ice cream.
It was so filling, N only ate half! Great protein, great fiber!
Before the cake was cut:

AND, drumroll... The birthday boy!
E turned 7 years old today! Written in kosher marshmallows.
With the traditional 'shove my head in a cake'
Beauty in the snow...
Our play structure.

1 comment:

  1. Delouses breakfast!
    Man! Mama! Where do you find time to make so many different verities of the same meal!!?? UMMY!! I am glad you do, but dont understand HOW!! :)
    Love the unique photography!! Beautiful! Beautiful!!
